Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Worldviews: Open Edition

My father's side of the family is Cuban and Cape Verdean Creole, my mother's side is French. What am I? I have no idea. My parents took the easy way out and claimed "American" as our background because they felt it would be easier for my siblings and I to identify with people, which many may see as ridiculous...but it worked for them. It has made all of us extremely open minded and ready to welcome any culture even if it is one that may not be as excited to welcome ours. My personal folklore has given me the ability to be in a room of strangers, and make friends with a good handful of people before I leave.

My siblings and I were raised to accept everyone, no matter what their choices and beliefs were because at the end of the day they weren't ours. Life's so much easier when there's a friend along for the ride,

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