Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Folk Group

"Oh my gosh, this one time, at band camp...!" 
Who hasn't heard this (in)famous line?

Well, the first folk group that I find myself associated with is The Band Geeks. Back in high school, this title both enfuriated and entertained those of us in band. On the one hand, we knew that non-band kids meant the term as an insult, or at the very least a joke. On the other hand, though, we would laugh amongst ourselves, because we "band geeks" maintained the highest group GPA in our school. Some of us even maaged this while playing in another sport during marching season. 
Our "folklore," as one may call it, consisted mostly of the (in)famous band camp stories. Since our band traveled to Orkney Springs every year to live, eat, drink and breath band practice for a week without air conditioning, there was never a shortage of stories to tell. 
"Okay, this one time at band camp, we were doing the Pirates of the Caribbean show, right? So we're all in the shape of a pirate ship (well, most of us), and I guess Dr. Newton thought it looked bad, because she stopped us and shouted over the microphone, 
"Fix the ship!"
Of course, we all thought that she had said, "Fix this s**t!" so we just stood there staring up at the tower until she realized."

The second folk group that I am a part of is that particular group of guys collectively referred to as "the video game nerds." Despite what you may think, we're not all guys. Our conversations are limited, at least while playing, and the tales we tell often detail a spectacular play in Madden NFL or an unbelievable kill in Halo. We're more likely to quote a video game character and then test each other by daring the others to name the character who spoke and the game he/she came from. 

The final folk I consider myself part of is the Events Production team on this campus. Our groups' age range is from 19 to, let's say, 35, and we're all pretty good friends. Jokes can be cracked with little hesitation, and we spend our off-hours watching television and listening to music, much like any other group of friends. The best thing is, we know that when we need to get work done, we can undoubtedly count on anyone amongst our group. 
Our lore is just as specific as the band group's lore, but in our case we usually laugh over the most ridiculous client requests or the most interesting event happenings (read: mishaps). It should be noted that most of the latter stories fall into the category of "Stuff You Laugh About, But Hope Never Happens to You."

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