Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Folk Groups I Belong To

When I think about it, I belong to the college age group, the guy group, the Vietnamese/Asian group and the Christian group.

A. College group
- I have no idea what to say about college life because I do not participate in it. I do not live on campus, though it does pique my curiosity. I guess there's the rumor that college people party, do drugs and drink. Is that lore?

B. Guy group
- I guess there's the stereotype that guys must be the stronger half, and accordingly, women are weak, feeble folk. Guys, if they get married, don't stay at home. They go out and work all day and then come home to good rest. I mean, that's what I read in books. My own dad is a pastor, so I wouldn't say he works all day to come home to rest at night.

C. Vietnamese/Asian group
- I find it odd actually that ethnic groups want to hang together as I am really more American than Vietnamese. I do not really feel I have an affinity to these people any more than I do whites or blacks or anyone else. Anyway, we have this word for those who still have not shed their former customs or language to embrace the new one. We call them "fobs," or fresh-off-the-boat. I think the word is hilarious.

D. Christian group
- I think everyone is familiar with this group. Going to church, listening to a preacher and hanging out with other buddies is common, I think. I have been going long enough to enough churches to see that. Baptism is a ritual that is performed without much meaning, at least it wasn't to me. I took a few Saturday morning classes and then I was baptized. Mostly, I remember that Jesus washed my sins, so now I am baptized and I am identified with Jesus Christ. Just what does that mean exactly? Also, everyone thinks they're sinners. How is that different from people in the world? Everybody's trying to be good. We just add Jesus into the mix and say He wants us to be good people. Well, so does Buddha. I guess I'm saying that though the customs may be different, still it's the same thing--trying to be good people. People are living for what they believe in, be it Buddha, Allah, or the many gods of India, just like Christians. And everyone thinks they're right. Everyone can't be right.

Anyway, these are the folk groups that I belong to (or not).

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