My grandmother once told us a story about her growing up in NY, NY. She would go down to the baseball fields with her brothers, and one sunday Babe Ruth showed up and played a pick-up game with them, signed autographs. This story has been in the family for years, along with her claims that a distant relative of hers was the original voice of donald duck.
The other folk group that I associate with the most is my volleyball team. When we get together in a social setting, we tell stories of past teams and players. The stories that are told the most often is of our coach. Our coach is infamous for being sneaky and knowing things that he shouldn't conceivably know. Years ago, the players came up with the idea that he is a ninja. I mean, if you think about it, it really does make sense. He is sneaky. He knows all, and no one understands how. He will play intense mind games with everyone, trying to both see what your made of and to motivate. No one knows who originated the idea. The idea has developed into more of a myth than a story now. We use it to explain off anything we can't come up with.
I belong to multiple folk groups, just as everyone. However, these two are the two that I relate to and care about the most.
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