Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Family story (a little late)

As a child my brother was the whimsical type, the type that would do anything on a whim if it amused him. It just so happened that that particular day his interest was pleasing dad. Somehow he got the idea that the way in to a mans heart is through his stomach, most likely from a cartoon show or another, and decided to impliment that plan to win dad's affection. Unfortunately for dad the only food available to my brother at the moment was a single hot pepper that was on the flood, dropped off one of my mother's many plants. My father, unknowing of what his son was feeding to him yet still happy that he was offered something, had no hesiation in eating the thing whole. Hilarity insued as my father was trying to cool the raging fires in his mouth with a kind of turbine suction. The sound of my father and his rapid air intake are something that i wont soon be forgetting for a while, not to mention avoiding things that my brother decides to give me. Even to this day i am wary of things my brother hands me "out of pure kindness"

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