Thursday, September 10, 2009

True Folk Group

Being a military brat I have always traveled a lot and never stayed in one place too long. I have always had good friends, our foundations simply growing into something more due to the simple fact that we enjoyed each others company. I would not group any of us into a category because they have always been so different. I've even felt different in my very own family. But they don't look down on me for it. I can't recall a time where I didn't maintain an open liberal mind, long for art and constantly fight to explore imagination. This has never stopped or hindered me in any way, but it has had its challenges. I think this made it difficult for me to fit into specific groups. I take things from everywhere and put them together to create who I desire to be.

The only true folk group I can wholeheartedly say I belong to is my family. Not that we aren't all different, but we are bonded by unconditional love and the power of everyone coming together for traditions and rituals. My entire family always gets together for the great holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving. We constantly chow down on Grandma's wonderful meals. Thanksgiving we all share turkey and all sorts of dressings and side dishes, from macaroni and cheese to mashed potatoes. Christmas morning we all huddle under the Christmas tree to open presents, the night before the kids laying out cookies for Santa Claus and the adults eating them that very same night. We all go to soccer games as a family, my brothers and I all playing seriously from a young age into high school. We have family get togethers and gatherings where we just eat, drink, laugh and have a good time. Not to mention we go on trips from anywhere to Disney world to San Diego's Wild Animal Park. My family is the only folk group I truly feel I will never grow out off or change to much to be apart off. And I love that. Because although I love change and can't stand to be confined to a group or category, I stand proud to be a part of my family, my complete true definition of a folk group.

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