Thursday, September 24, 2009

family story

Sorry, I was late. I did not think of seeing the next page of syllabus...

It is a story of my birth.
My mother's blood type is Rh- B. My father's blood type is Rh+ A. In Korea, Rh- blood type is very very rare- only 1% of population have that blood type.

When a woman with Rh- marries a man with Rh+ blood type, she can only give birth to the first child. From the second child, mom's blood naturally attacks the fetus because the fetus' blood type is Rh+ and finally the fetus dies. So when my mom and dad married, they were thinking of having only one child.

In 1985, when my mom was pregnant(my 2-year-older sister), she was scheduled to meet doctor. However, the hospital's schedule was mixed, so my mom's doctor was not in the hospital. My mom tried to go home and come back later, but she was so tired to come back again. She decided to meet another doctor in that hospital. That doctor was back from the U.S. 1 month before. When he met my mom, he said that "There is a new medication from America, and if you take that 3 times, you can have second child. But your case is very rare and the medicine is new, we don't have it in this hospital. I want to see that medicine, too." After that time, my father searched whole Seoul for that medicine and finally got it. Nowadays that medicine is common, but it was very rare in 1985. My mother is afraid of injection until now, but she took that injection 3 times to have the second child. In 1988, their second child, myself, was born. If the hospital's schedule was not mixed, I could not be born!

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