Monday, September 28, 2009

...Insert Turtle Story Here (family story)

Growing up, my dad always had a way to make us feel better when we were upset about something. It was a little like the Cosby Show when it came to some of his "growing up" stories. I remember when I was about 8 my first cat died, she had been mauled (literally) by my neighbors dog. I was devastated. I was sitting in my room thinking about how it must have been my fault that this happened (although there was no reason to feel that way.) My dad came in and this is where is starts...
He sat down next to me and said, "It could always be worse, let me tell you about something that happened to me when I was about your age. When I was a kid I got a silver dollar turtle. I love that turtle and I used to let him out of his aquarium and watch him crawl all over my floor. One day I had him out, playing with him and my parents called me for dinner. I left him on the floor and shut the door behind me. After dinner I went back to my room, having forgotten that I didn't put my turtle back in his home. I took 2 steps into my room and felt a crunch under my foot. I stepped on him and killed him. There is nothing more sad that killing your favorite pet. So just think about that next time your sad about your cat."
Even though all of us kids are grown, at least once a year we get to hear the turtle story. Growing up we heard it much more often, at which point we would all say, "insert turtle story here"...

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