Thursday, October 15, 2009

Grimm Tales

As a child I read the happily ever after tales rather than the ones that were written by the Grimm Brothers. The tales as a child made life seem like everyone was always happy and people got what their hearts desired. The tales we read for class did not always end with a happily ever after. The Death of a Hen is one fairytale that I did not hear as a child. In that tale everybody died and this killed, no pun intended, the illusion that all fairytales had happy endings. The purpose of these tales, in my opinion, are to show people that life is not always happy. There are no princes who come to rescue the damsels in the towers. These tales also provide morals that young kids should know. In Prudent Hans, the moral would to not take things for granted because you never know when they can disappear.

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