Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Article vs film

I found the article to be quite lacking when compared to the film. Reading about the event and seeing it are two completely different things, even more so in this case with the huge scale and the cultural meaning of the carnival itself. Personally seeing the carnival on film got me quite excited. 5 days of near anarchy appeared to be a lot of fun. Moreover the multitude of cultures gathering together for a single celebration where class and social power almost do not matter at all is an impressive thing. I get the feeling that perhaps America would benefit from something like this. But then again i would imagine our crime rate would be much higher. I always knew that letting go was good for you once in a while but to do it on the scale of tens of thousands of people is amazing at least from the government perspective.

     You cannot capture the spirit of the carnival, which revolves around chaos and a general letting go, with words in an article. It is just something that you have to go see. (something that i hope to see eventually as well)

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