Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Grimm Tales

After reading all of the Grimm tales that we were assigned to read, I've come to notice that all of them have the same general lesson behind it. Most of these tales were violent, they had kidnappings and murders, but I feel like that is not uncommon for the Grimm brothers. The Fisherman and his Wife is the classic lesson of appreciating what you already have and do not take things for granted, and the wife in this tale just wanted more and more and became greedy with every wish that was granted for her until she was put back to where she started from. These tales are for pure entertainment, as we all know fish cannot talk, although we would like to believe that there are magical fish that we could communicate with; who wouldn't want to know what a fish was thinking. The Grimm's tales may be a varient of the fairytales that children are told today, they may be darker and not appropriate for a certian age group but they still have the basic lessons that children need to learn.

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