Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I suppose my personal folklore is an expression of my worldview because it can influence the way I approach things. I may toss salt over my shoulder if I spill any and even though I doubt this does anything, it’s a habit I learned from my grandmother and thus, I repeat the ritual because I don’t need any more bad luck. My mother once told me that it is important to respect your elders because when you do not, when you age, you can become a person who no one respects. While this is clearly not the case and I have met some truly nasty persons of age, I still try to be respectful to them. My family also passes down several foods that we believe either give good luck or heal during certain holidays. I feel empty or as if something is wrong if I don’t eat these things during those times and so I do make efforts to always have those foods. These small things seem silly and maybe slightly irrelevant, but they do shape the way I behavior in certain situations.

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