Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lauren Bourque-Worldview-5/19 HW

Culture and the way we grew up in our culture has a huge affect on our perception of the world and our reality.  Growing up in a largely European family I learned many things that helped me to perceive and understand my reality.  My family was very big on working for your money and being very independent.  I always had chores even at a young age and learned that I am the only one that can improve upon my life and that I have the power to be what I want to be. Our family instilled these thoughts in everyone and we are all very independent people because of it.  From the reading, (I'm not sure if am understanding correctly) but it seems as if the term "worldview" is our reality and how we live life?  So my personal folklore is an expression of my worldview through the lessons and knowledge I have gained through my parents and grandparents which were passed down to them through our culture.
Our culture is also strongly Lutheran.  I have grown up in the Lutheran church with many of my family members Lutheran pastors.  This has helped me to stay out of trouble and to stay on the right path by doing well in school and graduating from college.  The Lutheran church and the strong religious ways of my family have engraved good morals in my mind.  

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