Monday, November 30, 2009

Role of Food in LWFC

I'm not really sure how to go about this particular blog assignment, so bear with me, I guess.

I guess what I gleaned about the food is that it's always present, and it takes precedence over everything else. Throughout the story, the food remains a constant character in the book and in Tita's life, and can always be depended on. The rest of the characters come and go -- Nacha and Mama Elena die, and so does little Roberto. Pedro, Rosaura and Gertrudis all leave and come back, but cannot be counted on.

I keep reading the recipes, and what continues to register with me is their complexity and the necessity for attention to detail in the preparation. Perhaps the food is some sort of mirror of life in general? I dunno...

So far, I don't care about the food. I just want to see what happens between Tita and Pedro.

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