Monday, November 23, 2009

Food, glorious food.

Everyone in my family loves to eat and almost everyone in my family knows how to cook well. We're all adventurous and ambitious when it comes to what we're to willing put on our plates.
The way it usually works is that each smaller group within the bigger family coming to Thanksgiving dinner will bring a dessert, a side, and a certain style of sweet potatoes. Every year Thanksgiving is fantastic.
Turkey, Ham, green-bean casserole, mashed potatoes, usually 2 or 3 different kinds stuffing, steamed carrots, corn-bread, and different kinds of cranberry "sauce" almost always make it to the table. Some years there are the random "guest-stars" like butternut squash soup, zucchini-bread, broccoli salad, and pearl-onion pumpkin rings, which are all delicious, but not guaranteed to be there. (Not that it really matters, since it's all great and it all gets eaten.) But whatever else may or may not get made: sweet potatoes are mandatory. Not only are they traditional, in my family they're everyone's favorite; it just isn't Thanksgiving without them. Mashed, glazed, steamed, fried, or made into a pie, the answer is "yes, please".
As far as holiday foodway traditions go, what we eat and how it's made isn't always constant, but that we get together and eat alot, never changes.

1 comment:

  1. That's an interesting way to look at food traditions-not the content, but the form.
