Monday, November 30, 2009

Food in LWFC

Food plays an influential and manipulative role in LWFC. First and foremost, it manipulates people's emotions. It also communicates Tita's feelings to the people she is cooking for. At the wedding, she is distraught because her sister is marrying her sweetheart, so the wedding cake makes everyone cry and vomit. She still feels very passionately for Pedro, and desires him, and so the chicken she makes the family (and him) causes orgasms.

Also, the ox-tail soup that Gertruda makes revitalizes Tita and gives her back her self. This comes from Gertruda's love for Tita and her desire to help Tita get well.

I also believe Mama Elena tastes bitterness in Tita's food just before she dies, because Tita is finally no longer scared of her, and is taking care of her truly because she cares, and this causes bitterness in Mama Elena's heart, and this is what she tastes.

1 comment:

  1. Jen, good point about Mama Elena and the food. It's almost as if she's tasting her own bitterness.
