Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My Family's Food ways

One important dish my mom makes is her stew.  She makes it every once and awhile and it is one of the most delicious things.  There is beef, corn, zucchini, and beans.  Usually she also makes corn bread and grates cheese to put into it.  There are few things that taste better than that mix. The importance of this dish is from when my uncle Stan was diagnosed with Leukemia and was sick of the hospital food.  My mom learned the recipe from my grandmother and it was my uncle Stan's favorite food.  My mom tried to bring it over as much as she could to make my uncle Stan feel better, and he claimed it worked every time.  Sadly my uncle died soon after being diagnosed.  Still my mom makes it pretty often and every time my uncle is brought up.  There is not a more important dish to my family, it is one of the only times we talk about uncle Stan.

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting about your mom bringing food in the hospital. Much has been written about the institutional structure of a hospital and what the blandness is meant to communicate and how "patients" are supposed to think and feel. Food in this case is familiarity, which gave comfort. Good post.
