Monday, November 23, 2009

Food Traditions

There are many kinds of traditions, in regards to food, that is present in my family. One that sticks out is when we cook lichon. Lichon is basically pig that has been cooked over a fire.
When my great uncle would make lichon he would go all out. He would go somewhere and kill the pig himself. After he would do this he would bring the pig home and roast it on a spit. I remember one Fourth of July I went to his backyard and there was a pig on a spit. It kind of freaked me out because I am not used to seeing a pig being roasted in front of me. Everyone started to joke me because in the Philippines they see this kind of thing all the time, so they are used to seeing a pig on a spit.
Now at pretty much every family party someone either makes lichon themselves or they order it from a Filipino market. I have gotten used to seeing a full dead pig on the table so at parties I'm not as freaked out as I once was.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great food tradition, difficult to reproduce except for special occasions. You're lucky to have a family member who can do this.
