Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Food and Family

Food is the center of many family gatherings. It doesn't matter what time you arrive at my grandmother's house, she immediately wants to know if you will be staying for dinner. Within minutes she has a pot of sauce and sausage on the stove ready for whoever decides to stay. Once dinner is ready, we all gather around the dining room table and talk about anything and everything. Dinners like this always brings my extended family together.

Special occasions are quite similar, but the amount of food is doubled, sometimes tripled depending on how many people are coming. My grandmother has four children, four daughter/son-in-laws, twelve grandchildren, and there are always a few extra guests or family members thrown into the mix. To accommodate everyone, we have to set up an extra dinner table in the living room. The two tables are always filled with food that my grandmother makes from scratch. She loves cooking for all of us, and prying her away from the kitchen long enough for her to each something is quite the chore.

For us, food is what brings us all together, and it is what truly stirs up some of the best conversations.

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